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Arthrosis of the Jaw Joint

If there is severe arthritis or several occurrences one after another, then this can lead to a degradation of the jaw cartilage and changes to the bony parts of the jaw joint itself.

This condition is called arthrosis. Arthrosis describes a degeneration or degradation of a joint. As long as the arthrosis remains active, there is pain – just like with arthritis. But, as a rule, arthrosis of the jaw joint is only associated with sporadic pain. Whilst arthrosis of the knee or hip joint can be very debilitating, this is not generally the case with arthrosis of the jaw joint. Arthrosis of the jaw joint is rather a peaceful ‘house guest’ that only causes temporary pain from time to time. This is why it is wise to avoid using the scary word ‘arthrosis’ with patients but instead we should talk about a functional change in the jaw joint.

The clearest clinical indicator of arthrosis is a rubbing noise when the jaw moves. An X-Ray or MRT of the jaw usually shows a flattening of the head of the jaw bone or sometimes the formation of a lip. Just like arthritis, athrosis is also a benign and self-limiting phenomenon. Any need for treatment is therefore based entirely on the wishes of the patient.

As with arthritis appropriate therapy measures are the temporary treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen and Voltaren, an occlusal splint worn at night and physiotherapy. Especially chronic pain can be treated with Pamitoylethanolamid (PEA), a food supplement, which you can buy without a prescription. It shows significant positive effects on reducing pain in the temporomandibular joint.



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