Rapid maxillary expansion can be helpful for children with nocturnal enuresis

In numerous studies there have already been indications that rapid maxillary expansion can have a positive effect on children with nocturnal enuresis. A particularly high-quality study has now been conducted with randomisation and control by an untreated group. Out of 18 children who underwent rapis maxillary expansion, 11 had a reduction of more than 50% in enuresis , which is a very significant improvement. However, there was also an improvement in the control group, but this was only slightly less than a third of the improvement with rapid maxillary expansion.

As in other studies, there was a moderate improvement in enuresis after rapid maxillary expansion. It is assumed that the cause is an improvement in breathing and better oxygen saturation during sleep. The results are a further indication that the maxillary expansion as an orthodontic appliance can also have interesting benefits for general medicine.

More information: Ring I, Neveus T, Markström A, Magnusson A, Bazargani F. Rapid maxillary expansion in children with nocturnal enuresis: A randomized placebo-controlled trial. Angle Orthod 2020;90: p. 31-38


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