Ailments and

illnesses of the temporomandibular joint


Orthodontics: Functional Correlations in the Muskoloskeletal System

The idea of functional correlations that run from the feet right up to the jaw has been a recurring theme in scientific literature for decades and it is this that has been responsible for the emergence of CMD. In this context it’s often spoken of as ascending and descending disorders of the musculoskeletal system. First of all, there is of course no reason to question that there are correlations within the functional chains of the musculoskeletal system principally.

Theoretically, such models are of course completely plausible. On the other hand, CMD has so far failed to produce any proof within the musculoskeletal system of significant functional interlinking. So, as long as there is no proof to hand, there is no reason to justify extensive diagnostic and therapeutic effort just because we assume that such functional links exist. Until such a time that a conclusive verdict is possible therefore, healthcare professionals should exercise restraint with this topic and not unsettle their patients with speculative comments.



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