Lingual Technique

braces unnoticeable from the outside

Lingual Technique

This portal provides information about orthodontic treatment using the lingual technique – i.e. braces that are fixed to the inside of the teeth and are therefore invisible from the outside. Unlike many other websites, this site does not just reflect the random preferences of the author, and the information that it offers is completely independent of any financial interests. All of the information is based on the latest scientific knowledge and is beholden to the concept of evidence-based medicine.

Evidence-based medicine (EnM) means the combination of the doctor’s experience, the latest scientific knowledge (i.e. knowledge taken from scientific journals) and the wishes of the patients themselves. The objective of EbM is to provide the very best care for the patients, irrespective of any personal prejudices or regional doctrines. There was a need for EbM because doctors normally tend to stick to the knowledge that they acquire during their training, whereas scientific knowledge is constantly progressing. As a consequence of this, many patients do not receive the best medical care, and unfortunately this is also the case with orthodontics.

Almost 10,000 articles are published about orthodontics every year. Of course, no doctor could possibly read all of them. So, various EbM means have been developed to make it possible for doctors to keep to date up with the latest developments. These include continuously updated scientific reviews – the so-called systematic reviews and also access to medical databases that make it possible for doctors to do their own research on how best to treat their patients. This website makes use of these EbM tools in order to provide an up-to-date factual review of the orthodontic use of lingual braces. Numerous scientific articles have already been published on the subject of the Lingual Technique so, whilst our information may not be exactly first-class, it is good enough. Nevertheless, we have tried to provide the best information. We hope that you enjoy browsing this site and that it provides you with a lot of useful information

Dr. Henning Madsen

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