Different Bracing Styles

extensively described and professionally rated

7th Generation Bracket (Ormco)

The bracket that emerged as a result of the work of the Lingual Technique Ormco Task Force between 1980 and 1990 which has been continuously developed in several generations. For about 20 years, the bracket has been produced unchanged in the 7th and last generation. In the late 2010s, ORMCO discontinued production of the 7th generation bracket.

The First Lingual Bracket

It was the first lingual bracket to go global, and probably the first lingual bracket designed entirely for the specific requirements of lingual technique. The 7th generation bracket has a horizontal slot to accommodate the archwires, which is also the case with most common labial brackets. The disadvantage of this design is that rotations, especially of anterior teeth, are often difficult with this bracket.

Vertical Control

On the other hand, the vertical control of the tooth positions is very good. From today’s point of view, however, the 7th generation bracket is relatively large and wide, so that it would no longer be the first choice in terms of patient comfort. Nevertheless, it was a proven product with which treatment tasks of all kinds could be solved. The 7th generation bracket had already lost its former market leadership to the fully individualised lingual brackets such as WIN and Incognito before production was discontinued.


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