Different Bracing Styles

extensively described and professionally rated

Evolution SLT Bracket (Adenta)

After using the Adenta TIME bracket for a long time for the usual labial treatment, H. Loidl encouraged Adenta in 1999 to develop a lingual bracket modelled on the Adenta TIME bracket.

This resulted in the Adenta Evolution SLT bracket, a self-ligating bracket that does not require any elastic or wire ligatures. First of all, this is a technical advantage over many other lingual brackets. On the other hand, the bracket is relatively large, sharp-edged and does not look like it is very comfortable for patients. As is to be expected with all prefabricated lingual brackets, i.e. not customised to the shape of the teeth, the orthodontist pays for the simple design with an increased amount of wire bending in the finish of the treatments.

Since the Evolution SLT bracket has never been widely used, hardly any treated cases with this bracket have been published. Therefore, no precise statements can be made about further advantages and disadvantages. Compared to the fully individualised lingual brackets such as WIN and Incognito, it seems to have only a price advantage, but otherwise mainly disadvantages.

Web: www.adenta.de/evolution-slttrade-lingual-bracket.html


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