Different Bracing Styles

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Discovery Delight-Bracket (Dentaurum)

The Discovery Delight-Bracket was first launched in 2004 under the name Magic-Bracket by the German company Dentaurum. It is somewhat similar to the older 7th generation brackets from Ormco, whose production has since been discontinued. The Discovery Delight bracket is similar in size and the wires can be tied in (ligated) using similar techniques.

An important difference to the 7th generation bracket is that the Discovery Delight bracket does not open horizontally to the tongue, but vertically upwards. For this reason, the wire bow cannot slip out of the slot so easily.

Range of Applications

Presumably, the Discovery Delight-Bracket has a similar range of use as the 7th generation bracket and also comparable comfort restrictions for the patients. However, since the Discovery Delight bracket is not very common, hardly any treated cases with this bracket have been published. Therefore, no precise statements can be made about further advantages and disadvantages at the moment.

Since there are hardly any articles about the Discovery Delight bracket and a web search did not reveal anything about it, it can be assumed that the bracket has not been widely used.

Web: www.dentaurum.de/deu/lingualbrackets-31879.aspx


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