Different Bracing Styles

extensively described and professionally rated


Incognito Bracket (Unitek)

The most widely-used brace is probably the Incognito-Bracket. It was developed by D. Weichmann and came onto the market in 2000. Unitek took over the manufacture and marketing of the product in 2010. So far, it is the only fully customised brace on the market that is produced using CAD/CAM technology.

Every brace is specifically designed for each patient and is then cast in a very hard, auriferous alloy. This makes it possible to produce a flat brace with a very big surface area that fits exactly onto each tooth, which means that the Incognito-Bracket is the most comfortable brace available today and causes the least inconvenience for the patient.

Adhesion and Low Breakage Rate

Because of its big surface area and good fit, it has the best adhesion and lowest breakage rate of all the braces available at the moment. Furthermore, it sets new standards in the entire industry for its precision manufacture, in particular, the size of the slots. Each Incognito-Bracket is always supplied with 5 industrial, precision pre-bent wires for each jaw.

In an ideal world, the systematic use of these wires alone should ensure a perfect result. But, as a result of inevitable inaccuracies in the laboratory process, a certain amount of manual intervention on the part of the orthodontist is usually necessary during the final phase of the treatment. But there is undoubtedly no other brace system on the market that, because of its construction, saves the orthodontist so much work, and there is certainly no other one that can be employed in such a versatile way for absolutely all kinds of treatment.


The manufacture (of these appliances) is relatively expensive but this means that the treatment proceeds more smoothly and quickly than with most other braces. The Incognito-Bracket is probably the first choice from the point of view of the patient and also for the orthodontist providing the treatment. The Incognito-Bracket is sold under the iBraces name in some English-speaking countries: but, despite the different name, it is basically one and the same product. At the moment, the Incognito is probably the most widely-used brace in the world.



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