Services and Costs

Who covers which decision?


Cost of Orthodontic Treatment for Publicly-insured Patients

Up to the age of 18, orthodontic treatment is covered by the statutory health insurance (GKV) if the findings are of a certain extent. The extent of the findings is assessed according to the orthodontic indication groups (KIG): the statutory health insurance pays if two front teeth deviate from each other by more than 3 mm, or if the overbite of the incisors is greater than 6 mm. The treatment of all smaller deviations, on the other hand, must be paid for privately. The orthodontist takes care of the classification.

However, the GKV only pays for simple standard treatments, which are described with the words “expedient, economical, sufficient”. However, orthodontics has undergone an impressive development in recent decades and offers many modern braces that are not paid for by the GKV.

Strictly speaking, modern, efficient orthodontic treatment is no longer possible today at the SHI price of about 2800 Euros on average, considering that before 1990, twice that amount was paid in real terms. This is why almost all orthodontists charge private additional costs for patients with statutory health insurance, which can range from a few hundred to over 3000 €.

Unfortunately, it is hardly possible for patients to see through the relationship between the prices charged and the services offered. A market for additional services has emerged that is difficult for laypersons to understand.


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