3D Scan

Invisalign’s® iTero scanner

3D Scan of the Teeth and Jaws

Since December 2018, we have utilized a brand new iTero scanner from Align Technology in our office in Mannheim. The iTero scanners allow us to capture optical impressions from the teeth and jaws and transfer the precise 3D data record to further digital processing. A scan of both jaws will initially take a little over 10 minutes, but the time will be shorter and shorter with more exercise.

Scan Advantages

The scanning technique will eventually replace the conventional impression as well as the plaster models. In any case, a scan is more comfortable for the patient than a jaw impression with impression tray and impression material, at least as accurate. Another advantage of scanning is better hygiene – in this respect the impression process is problematic. The iTero scanner is particularly well suited for use in orthodontics. Digital orthodontics at our practice since December 2018 – we enjoy it every day!

Important Note

Unfortunately, we can only use Invisalign’s®  iTero scanner for private patients and self-payers for the time being, because the statutory health insurance companies do not provide 3D scanning.

Fascinating technique: Invisalign's®  iTero intraoral scanner


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