Our Team

introduce yourself

Meet the Team in Mannheim

In our orthodontic practice in Mannheim, an orthodontist and a dentist specialized in orthodontics, two administrative assistants, five specialised dental assistants, one dental assistant trainee and a laboratory assistant ensure that our patients are treated efficiently and in a pleasant atmosphere.

Good orthodontists as soloists cannot possibly run a practice at a high level – that is only possible with a team of excellent team players. As in sports, top performance comes from the skilful interaction of all those involved.

All staff members, just like the orthodontists, constantly attend internal and external training courses in order to always be up to date.

Once a year there is a team day with a trainer. Building and maintaining such a team is one of the most difficult tasks in our profession – working with our staff is a daily pleasure!

Frau Bergdoll, Praxis-Team Kieferorthopädie Mannheim

Mrs. Bergdoll

Reception, accounting

Frau Polat, Praxis-Team Kieferorthopädie Mannheim

Mrs. Polat

Reception, accounting, data protection supervisor

Frau Pfister, Praxis-Team Kieferorthopädie Mannheim

Mrs. Pfister

Treatment, hygiene representative, qualitiy management

Mr. Ayenehkar


Mrs. Fiske

Treatment, hygiene

Mrs. Kapli

Treatment, hygiene

Mrs. Okur

Treatment, hygiene representative

Mrs. Koipysh

Treatment, hygiene

Mrs. Inanc

Trainee, 1st year of apprenticeship

Mrs. Nazari

Trainee, 1st year of apprenticeship


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