Short Treatment Times

through actual braces

Precisely planned, effectively treated

The duration of orthodontic treatment should be as short as biologically possible with gentle working methods and top results. In our practice in Mannheim, we are able to accomplish this by applying the most modern orthodontic appliances and techniques, but above all through a systematic and attentive way of working.

Because treatment times hold such importance among our patients, our team of orthodontists will plan treatment duration precisely and tell the patients how many months it will take before we start. The planned treatment duration is also usually adhered to.  Unfortunately, such time management is completely uncommon in most German practices.

Regardless of findings, it’s common standard in Germany to always extend the treatment time of young patients up to four years, because the treatment contracts are concluded for four years. In our practice our treatment times are usually about half as long as is usual in Germany.

Digital Photographs

In contrast to other offices in Germany, it is common for us to diagnose and document all treatments with digital photographs (portraits and dental photos) which serve the patient as a decision-making aid in the course of treatment planning. After completion of treatment we hand them over in original quality.

Invisible Orthodontic Treatment

Since 1999, we have offered invisible orthodontic treatment with the lingual technique (since 1999) and aligner treatments with Invisalign® (since 2001). Moreover, we have been using orthodontic mini implants for anchoring  for almost 20 years. Our orthodontists have a wealth of experience and routine in all these new techniques.


Our idea is that a single orthodontic treatment should last for life. That’s why all of our orthodontists attach great importance to the long-term stabilization of the treatment outcome. Once the treatment goal has been achieved, an individual concept for the retention (stabilization) of the result is essential. The retention phase varies depending on it being a couple of months with a removable aligner or being a fixed retainer lasting life-long.

We are honest enough to tell our patients from the initial consultation: whoever is serious about attaining the perfect aesthetics, should at least consider getting a life-long stabilizer for the incisors.


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