Failures and Problems in German Orthodontics

In our opinion, there is a lot going wrong in German orthodontics: there is simply too much treatment, treatment times are far too long by international comparison, orthodontics for children starts too early and too much work is done with the mostly outdated removable appliances. German orthodontics is therefore a strange and special matter regarded internationally – and that should not be the case! We have summarized the critical points in an article.

„Missstände und Probleme in der deutschen Kieferorthopädie.“ Forum für Zahnheilkunde – Zeitschrift des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Zahnheilkunde und des Berufsverbandes der Allgemeinzahnärzte 2014, vol. 33, no. 118, pp. 11-15

Download the German article: Forum für Zahlheilkunde 118, March 2014 (PDF)


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