The term gnathology refers to the study of the jaw. Gnathology can be defined as the part of dentistry that deals with the function and dysfunction of the stomatognathic system, i.e. teeth, periodontium, jaws, masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints. In this sense, all of dentistry would be gnathology, which raises the question of the meaning of the term.
Historical aspects of gnathology
Historically, however, gnathology represents a strongly technical and mechanistic way of thinking that has brought many nonsensical, elaborate and expensive concepts to dentistry. This spook started around 1960 in the USA, spread worldwide with an amazing emphasis in Germany and reached its peak in the course of the 1970s.
Gnathology in Germany
Interestingly, gnathology remained a small current among many in the USA, while in Germany in particular it achieved astonishing dominance in dedicated dental circles. At that time, some dentists could not get technical and elaborate enough, and there was a real competition for the use of customizable articulators and the most sophisticated computer-controlled mandibular measurement.
Courses and seminars dealing with all kinds of complicated concepts of occlusal surface design were standard: in retrospect, the impression is that people wanted to be better than nature. Since then, however, the euphoria surrounding this dazzling concept has died down considerably.
A bit dusty today
Even today, some dentists claim to be gnathologists, although it is often not quite clear what is actually meant by this. If this means practicing dentistry in a technically correct manner, there is really no need for the dusty term “gnathology”. Here, the question should be asked precisely.